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  • How do I contact your publisher about anything?
    To contact publisher/editor Lisa Bastian, please email her at Or, you may call her at the magazine at (760) 876-7427 between 9 a.m. and 5 p.m. (Central time). Lisa will help you with story ideas you may want to talk about, PR product or service pitches, partnerships and/or advertising opportunities.
  • What topics are covered in Tropics Lifestyle magazine?
    Tropics Lifestyle digital magazine covers a wide range of topics, including home decor, beach and ocean activities, creator interviews, pearls, plants and gardens, books, art, music, and pets. It is designed for those enjoying a tropical lifestyle mindset and home oasis influenced by coastal, tropical and ocean themes, no matter where they live on Earth!
  • How do I download/read your magazine?
    Want to read our Tropics Lifestyle digital magazine now? It's simple to find. 1) Go to our dedicated magazine store located at, and easily accessible from this website by clicking the "Read Magazine" option on the website menu at top of the website page. You can access this point of entry from any page. 2) Or, access the magazine store by clicking the colorful"CLICK TO READ NOW!" button found only on the HOME page under the menu section. We invite you to also explore our main website you're on now at Find previews and videos about our magazine, plus our popular webpage showing coastal, tropical and nautical home products sold online by name-brand and specialty stores (click the "SHOP" section on our navigational bar).
  • How much does an issue cost and do you offer subscriptions?
    The first issue is FREE. Once the second issue is published in 2024, the model changes. Meaning going forward, the most recent issue will be just $3.99 (via STRIPE payment system), and ALL past issues will be free to read. We will offer subscriptions at a later date.
  • Come posso acquistare un numero di Tropics Lifestyle?
    La rivista digitale non è su questo sito web, Piuttosto, viene visualizzato su un portariviste virtuale. Puoi accedervi direttamente su, o facendo clic sul pulsante "Acquista rivista $ 3,99" nella barra dei menu di questo sito Web. Una volta sul portariviste, scorri verso il basso fino alla sezione intitolata "Problemi con le riviste ~ Fai clic sulle copertine per acquistare ora". Fai clic sul numero che desideri acquistare, quindi scorri verso il basso la pagina appena aperta per trovare il pulsante blu "Acquista per $ 3,99" nella casella di visualizzazione. Si apre quindi una pagina di pagamento Stripe che ti offre una varietà di opzioni di carta di credito da utilizzare. (Stripe è un sistema di pagamento sicuro/protetto utilizzato da milioni di persone in tutto il mondo.)
  • After logging out, how do regain access to the magazine issue I bought?
    Go to our Magazine Store or "app" at YOU MUST LOG IN FIRST TO READ ANY ISSUE. You have two choices for logging into your subscriber account. *** Option #1: BEST and EASIEST 1) Once on home page, click ACCOUNT link found in top right-hand corner. The Sign In box appears. 2) Enter your login info (email and password). If you forgot your password, click the reset link and get a new password. 4) Once you are logged in, you will then click cover of the issue you bought. 5) On next page, scroll down until you find the blue READ button. Click READ button to gain unlimited access to all the articles in that issue. 6) After you leave the issue or website, you may regain regain access by repeating the previous steps. *** Option #2 1) Once on home page, click cover of issue you want to buy found in Magazine section. 2) On next page, scroll down to section that asks, "Already a Subscriber? followed by a link that says "Sign in here." Click the link. 3) Now you see Sign In box. Enter your login info (email and password). If you forgot your password, click the reset link and get a new password. 4) Once you are logged in, you will scroll down on newly opened page until you find the blue READ button. Click READ button to gain unlimited access to all the articles in that issue. 5) After you leave the issue or website, you may regain regain access by repeating the previous steps.
  • Do you offer subscriptions?
    No, we just charge $3.99 per single issue for the MOST CURRENT issue. The caveat is that the first issue, V1N1, is free to read and will always remain so. In the future subscriptions will be offered.
  • After I buy a magazine issue via Stripe, how do I get the login information I need (email and password) to read an issue?
    After you purchase an issue via Stripe, you will r
  • How do I advertise with Tropics Lifestyle magazine?
    Tropics Lifestyle magazine has a variety of affordable advertising opportunities available for reaching people who want products and services to help them enjoy living with a tropics mindset and creating a home oasis anywhere on Earth: ​ Main website ~ ~ sponsorship page ad ~ $80/month Main website ~ ~ marketplace ad ~ $25/month, free with purchase of #1 ad options. High-profile ad on Magazine Store home page ~ ~ $125/month, only 2 advertiser spots available. Advertorial: Each one professionally written as 500-word or 1,000-word articles by award-winning journalist Lisa Bastian. Finished piece will be yours to freely use in all your marketing materials, websites, social media. Appears on Call for free quote, varies upon complexity of topic. Typically 75 cents to $1 per word. ​ Please contact us at or 760-876-7427 to learn about creating sponsorship packages we can design to fit your budget and needs. Payments are processed seamlessly and securely via Stripe payment system; monthly installments or "pay in full" options.
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